Monday, January 26, 2015

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know January is cervical cancer month?  I am very proud to be a part of this awareness collaboration with fellow YouTube moms.  

Kaci of Hudsons plus one more, put together this amazing informative video so please check it out and GET CHECKED!  

Pap smears do NOT hurt and are wicked quick! There's no reason to be embarrassed or ashamed of going to get tested.  It could save your life! 

Here's the link to the collaboration on Kaci's channel 

Please like and share! 
Check out her channel and subscribe if you like what you see!  
Leave her a comment and let her know Mollysworld525 sent you! 

Potty Training | 20 months old

  Now that Molly is 20 months old ( can't believe it!) we have decided to start consistently potty training her. That means we are trying our best to be consistent with being her to the potty. 

I don't know if I am doing it right or wrong but for now here is our potty plan : 

Placing her on the potty as soon as she wakes up, because everyone has that first morning pee. So far she's peed twice and it's been that first morning pee.

We try to bring her to the potty every 30 minutes, even if she doesn't have to go. I read that doing this will get her used to the potty. 

Right above where we have her potty, I hung a potty chart.  Each time she goes potty she gets a sticker.  I know some people do prizes too but she LOVES stickers, so the sticker is her prize. 
I found some great frozen stickers in the $1 spot at Target. 300 stickers for a buck? That's a deal if you ask me! 

We started on Sunday (1/24/15) and she peed once in the potty. Her first attempt too! Every other time we sat her on the potty nothing happened, but her diaper was staying dry.  Today, so far has been the same but it's still early!  

As far as poops go she sits and acts like she's going but nothing happens.  As soon as I take her off she goes in her diaper 

What tricks worked for you? How did you get your child potty trained? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!! 

I will do a video update on my YouTube channel soon! 

Check out my latest videos and please subscribe!