Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Molly walks!!

I am very proud to report that molly is officially walking!! shes taken a few steps here and there or when ever she felt like it, but on Sunday March 16 at our family st.Patty's party she started walking and hasn't stopped!! she was 9 days shy of her 10 month birthday!! i cant believe how fast shes growing and how fast shes hitting her milestones!! how old was your little one when he/she started walking? share your pics of your kids with me on instagram #mollysworld525

you can check out more of her first steps on instagram @mollysworld525

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

quick update!

How do you like our new layout? thought it was time for a change!! its finally a nice day in Boston!! if you are from the east coast then you know its been brutal!! with the nicer weather i will have much more exciting news to report ! Molly's party is going to be here before i know it and its making me very emotional i am working on a birthday haul post and video and i will have a post of her party and all the details of how to throw an amazing birthday bash without hurting your wallet!!

we have one cute little video of molly dancing up on YouTube! check it out and subscribe to out channel! YouTube channel is mollysworld525