First off I want to do an updated review for the BUMBO. Molly still sits in it a good 15 mins before wanting to get out. We removed the buckles though. They just are too bulky and they hurt her. You can remove them very easily. They just pop right off from underneath To be honest she doesn't need them. She doesn't squirm or have any room to move in there so she can't get out. She is also never left unattended so I am not worried about her not being in buckles. So all in all the BUMBO is great and I think it's a good investment that helps babies learn to sit up and it seems to help with posture.
I'm still having such a hard time getting Molly to take a bottle or a pacifier I'm starting to think it is just too late in the game and she just doesn't want it. I've tried all kinds of bottles and nipples We have had minimal success and the nipple that's worked the best has been the MEDELA bottle and nipple that game with the MEDELA hand pump we purchased at target ($50) it's smaller and softer then most. I am finding more and more that I love the MEDELA brand. When I was in the hospital they gave me a sample size of their nipple cream which I loved!! I already bought the lansinoh brand ($12 at babies r us) when I was preparing my hospital bags and I really don't like it but I'm just using it to not waste it haha. It's very thick and you have to rub it between your fingers first then apply it. The MEDELA brand was much smoother and went on nicely. I was so sad when the sample tube ran out! It is yellow in color but it didn't stain any of my bras or anything. And because it wasn't as thick as the other brand you can't even feel it once its on. I didn't feel slimy or gooey or even oily like you might with other brands. I will be purchasing more of this once I run out of the tube I already have. I will also be trying more of their nipples to see if Molly will like it! So ill keep you posted on our progress!
Next, I want to talk about CRAVINGS!! I feel like I have been craving more now that I'm not pregnant then when I was! I'm still also craving some of the things I craved when I was pregnant. Like hot fudge sundaes! I can't get enough I want one every day. I mean I don't eat one every day but I probably could! Haha. Before I got pregnant I was not a chocolate person at all. I'm very plain Jane when it comes to a lot of things but during pregnancy and now I love it! I also craved a lot of fruit, mostly watermelon. Again, I'm still craving it and I just can't get enough! I think this has been one of the best watermelon season in a long time! I wonder if anyone else has had a similar experience? Let me know!
Lastly, Molly is outgrowing her clothes like crazy. She's not even 3 months yet and she is already in 3-6 months! She's very long and pants are so hard! All her pjs fit her but the feet are so tight. Her toes look like their going to pop right out. We have decided to cut the feeties off so she can be comfortable. The pjs aren't small or tight on her. It's frustrating haha. But she is going to be tall like her daddy :). I suggest if you try cutting the feet off that you sew a hem so they don't fray from being cut :). We have purchased some new pjs that have no feet on them so we won't have this problem in the future! Speaking of clothes, Carter's is having a great sale everything is 40-50% off and if you spend $50 or more you get a $10 off coupon and believe me it is very easy to spend $50 on cute baby clothes! They also gave us some great coupons for September! :) check them out, you're probably buying their clothes from other stores (babies r us, Kholes, Jc Penney) anyways!
That's all for now!
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